Credit Card Logos For Your Website author:Shane Penrod

If you own or operate a website in conjunction with your business, consider posting a Visa logo, or even Visa / Master Card logos on your website.

Visitors browsing the site will be more apt to linger and shop when they know you offer the convenience of buying on credit cards.

To display Visa or Master Card logos on your site, you will need to apply for a merchant account.

This is a special account set up by a financial lender that allows you to accept credit payments via credit and debit cards at your point of sale.

For website owners, this is a terrific way to get customers to buy now and pay immediately to avoid the risk of losing a sale or late payment.

While some website operators simply have customers dial a toll-free telephone number to make automated purchases, more and more vendors are choosing to open a merchant account to facilitate customer sales online.

It’s easy to apply for a merchant account so you can use visa and credit card logos on your website.

Simply work with so they may find the best merchant account provider for you.

Many are merchant service providers are waiting to accept and approve your application.

When approved, you can start promoting the fact that you now accept credit payments by posting a prominent ad for a Visa logo or combination Visa and Master Card logos.

Customers are conditioned for this uniform display, and they will be looking for it when they visit your site.

Make it easy for visitors to find the Visa and Master Card logos.

Place them in an prominent area of your website.

Depending on your site layout, this area for credit card logos might be somewhere near the top or side navigation bar.

Or you might want to put the logos at the bottom of the page if the page is not terribly long, and if you are reasonably sure customers will read to the end and thus find the Visa and Master Card logos.

Another way to promote this service is to feature it in a box somewhere at the side of the home page, or on each page of the site.

It shouldn’t be too large, as though a Visa or Master Card logo were the most important detail of the page.

But neither should it be too small, where many hurried customers could easily overlook it.

When copying it onto your website page, check before making it live to ensure the graphic image is clear and well defined.

A sloppy credit card logo can be a total turnoff for customers in search of professional vendors.

Adding Visa and Master Card logos to your company’s website marks you as someone who cares about customers’ needs and technologically competent.

Find out how you can add these credit card logos to better enable your business to conduct e-commerce while observing contemporary payment trends.

Your customers will appreciate the courtesy of credit payment options, and may show their gratitude through repeat business or positive word-of-mouth referrals.
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